
Water Sampling

The scientists at Pacific EcoRisk are knowledgeable and experienced in the performance of the entire spectrum of aquatic testing, including acute and chronic toxicity tests, and have performed literally thousands of aquatic toxicity tests using freshwater, estuarine and marine species. This testing has been performed in support of client NPDES permits, ambient monitoring programs, development of water quality criteria/objectives, TMDLs, ecological risk assessments, NRDA and CERCLA studies, and product registrations.

Pacific EcoRisk maintains 8000+ sq ft of state-of-the-art laboratory facilities staffed with degreed scientists expert in the performance of biological testing using U.S. EPA and ASTM guidelines as well as the development and performance of innovative, original research/testing approaches that require project-specific study components.

Our aquatic testing services include:

  • Acute and chronic toxicity testing

  • Freshwater, estuarine, and marine tests

  • Static, static-renewal, and flow-through

  • NPDES compliance testing

  • Title 22 hazardous waste testing

  • Site-Specific Studies

  • Chemical Products

  • TIE/TRE Studies

  • Stormwater testing

  • Water Effects Ratio (WER) test

Related Experience

Interlaboratory Variability Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing

NPDES Permit Renewal: Species Screening of Effluent Toxicity

Toxicity Monitoring of the Ambient Waters of San Francisco Bay

NPDES Toxicity testing and Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE) of Municipal Effluent