Dr. Brant Jorgenson
Technical Director
Dr. Brant Jorgenson is a Vice President and Technical Director at Pacific EcoRisk. His consulting experience spans nearly 30 years in water quality analysis, toxicity reduction evaluations (TRE), toxicity identification evaluations (TIE), and water effect ratio (WER) studies, as well as NPDES and WDR negotiation, compliance and monitoring.
Dr. Jorgenson has represented clients in the development of new policy, such as Basin Plan Amendments, TMDLs, criteria recalculation, and pesticide criteria development, including most recently recalculation of national recommended ammonia criteria to reflect the unique sensitivity of California resident freshwater mussels to ammonia.
Dr. Jorgenson has published in scientific journals on the topic of fate and transport of pyrethroid insecticides applied to urban and suburban landscapes.
Dr. Jorgenson has developed a specialty in assisting clients with their resolution of effluent toxicity and identification of unknown contaminants through application of causal analysis in the framework of the TRE and TIE. He has worked to expand PER’s TIE toolbox to include more modern sorbents targeted to industrial chemicals and collaborates with faculty of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of the University of California at Davis in the use of high-resolution mass spectrometry for non-target contaminant screening of toxic effluents.