Jeffrey Cotsifas
Technical Director
Jeff Cotsifas is the President of Pacific EcoRisk and has more than 30 years’ experience in the areas of aquatic ecotoxicology, environmental chemistry, environmental/ecological risk assessment, contaminant fate studies, and regulatory permitting and negotiation. Jeff currently is the Technical Director for Pacific EcoRisk’s Dredged Materials Assessment Program, providing services for a wide variety of federal, state, and private sector clients that include permit application, as well as preparation of Sampling and Analysis Plans (SAPs) and Sampling and Analysis Reports (SARs).
Jeff has performed research supporting the development and implementation of surface water, sediment porewater and sediment toxicity identification/reduction evaluation (TI/RE) methods using standard EPA test species as well as resident aquatic organisms. Jeff has also investigated the effects of petroleum and petroleum products in the aquatic environment.
Jeff has extensive experience in surface water and sediment toxicity issues and has managed and performed numerous studies that have included water-column, whole sediment, sediment elutriate, sediment porewater, sediment bioaccumulation and intact sediment core (sediment-water interface) testing approaches.
Jeff has experience in directing large-scale projects, including management of multi-subcontractor teams. In addition, Jeff is very familiar with relevant regulatory issues and has worked with all the major regulatory agencies as well as multi-agency groups such as the San Francisco Dredge Materials Management Office (DMMO).